Thursday, March 31, 2011

                         Benefits of Fruits
Fruits are one of the oldest forms of food known to man. Fresh and dry fruits are the natural staple food of man. They contain substantial quantities of essential nutrients in a rational proportion. They are excellent sources of minerals, vitamins and enzymes. They are easily digested and exercise a cleansing effect on the blood and the digestive tract. People on a natural diet of fresh and dry fruits generally enjoy good health, for both are not good as food but also good as medicine. Fruits have a highly beneficial effect on the human system. The main physiological actions of fruits are discussed subsequently.
Hydrating Effect
Fruit juice is the most pleasant way of hydrating the body. The water absorbed in this manner has an added advantage of supplying sugar and minerals at the same time.Therefore,fruit juices are very effective in nourishing the sick.

Diuretic Effect
Clinical observations have shown that postassium,magnesium and sodium contents of the fruit acts as a diuretic. her lower urine density and thereby accelerate the elimination of nitrogenous waste and chlorides.
Alkalinizing Effect
The organic acids of the salts in fruits produce alkaline carbonates alkalise the fluids withing the body. All fruits promote intestinal elimination. This keeps the body free from toxic wastes which creep into the blood from an overloaded, sluggish intestinal tract.

Mineralising effect
Fruits provide minerals to the body. Dried fruits such as apricots, raisins and dates are rich in calcium and iron. These minerals are essential for strong bones and for producing sufficient amount of oxygen rich blood cells respectively.

Laxative effect
The cellulose or fibrous matter in fruits, aids in the digestive tract and in easy bowel action. Regular use of fruits prevents and cures constipation.

Tonic Action
Fruits, as dependable sources of vitamins, exert a tonic effect in the body.guavas,custard apples and citrus fruits, like lemons and oranges are particularly voluble sources of  vitamin

Classification of Fruits

*Simple Fleshy Fruits
*Simple Dry Fruits
*Compound Fruits
Some Juices are mentioned as cure for common diseases:
Acne, Pimples
*Juice of sweet lime, cucumber, orange, stone-apple and papaya.
Enlargement of Adenoids
*juice of carrot,beet,lime and orange.
*juice of lemon,orange,papaya and cucumber.
*juice of apple,sweet lime,carrot,beet and spinach.
*juice of fig and fennel regularize menstrual flow.
Appetite loss
*juice of orange,lemon,stone-apple ,tomato and garlic.
*juice of lemon, sweet lime,tomato,papaya,orange and stone-apple.
*juice of garlic,orange,bittergourd,margosa leaves,carrot and beet.
*juice of garlic,sweet lime,bittergourd,lemon,margosa leaf.
*juice of sweet lime,tomato,papaya,stone-apple and lemon.
Insect Bites
*Applying garlic juice to the affected part, gives instant relief.
Bladder Trouble
*Juice  of sweet lime,cashewnut,garlic,lemon,papaya and orange.
High Blood Pressure
*juse of garlic,tomato,lemon,papaya,sweet lime and orange, a few cloves of garlic should be chewed daily in the morning.wheat grass juice is an excellent remedy for high blood pressure.marmalade,a jam or jelly made from oranges should be eaten for breakfast.
Low  blood pressure
*juice of carrot,beet,spinach,grape,apple and sweet lime.
*for relief, apply the juice of a crushed potato and bandage the area for a day.


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